Civilization is in jeopardy.
Courage is a fading quality.

When we celebrate courage we inspire and encourage others, especially young people, to value and develop courage.

Everyday STORIES

We celebrate everyday acts of courage from around the world, on our website and on social media.

Everyday stories

COURAGE awards

A celebration of acts of courage from around the world. These annual awards shine a light on those brave individuals whose acts inspire and encourage others to value and develop courage.
the OXI Courage Award honors those with the courage to battle Goliaths to defend freedom and democracy with the positive power of NO.
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honors those with the courage to express and expose the truth.
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honors extraordinary young individuals who display exceptional acts of courage.
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Every individual has a story of resiliency, determination, and valor unique to them. We invite you to share these moments of courage from personal achievement to stories of unsung heroes from your community.
Submit your story

The story

Our roots

It Takes Courage was inspired by the Washington Oxi Day Foundation’s OXI Courage Awards. These awards were established in 2011, inspired by Greece’s bold NO, or OXI, to the Axis Forces. This courageous act played a determining role in the outcome of the Second World War.
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